Operation Smile Bogota, Colombia Trip Interview with Rafa de la Sierra

Today's blog post features an interview with Rafa de la Sierra who went to Bogota last month with his daughter Lexi and his mother. The de la Sierra's have been our friends for many years and have supported all of our efforts with Operation Smile since we first began our journey supporting them. We are so grateful for their friendship and for their support. It was wonderful to have them see the work of Operation Smile first hand. I hope you enjoy this glimpse into their trip.
Have a great day! Lisa
1) What was the most interesting thing you learned about Colombia? Did anything surprise you?We learned that the country is certainly poor and not equipped to offer the type of medical care that Operations Smile was able to provide. In addition, we learned that the people utilizing the services were hard-working, responsible citizens. They were all also very grateful for the services being provided.2) Did you try any new food? Any restaurants you would recommend or excursions?Yes, we had 2 favorite restaurants for very different reasons. We loved "El Corral" for great fast food....better than most U.S. fast food restaurants. We also liked "Andres Carne de Res" for a nice night out on the town. Even though the restaurant was huge, the service and ambiance was great.Rafa & Lexi ready to observe surgery!3) Did you learn anything new about operation Smile and if yes, what was it?I learned that Operation Smile teams up with local partners to provide deeper community involvement and greater local control. I also learned that the local staff was extraordinary!4) Was there any one experience you would like to share?I think being able to participate with the staff, children and their parents while they are waiting for the operation and after the operation gives great insight into what Operation Smile is all about.5) Now that you are back, how has attending a medical mission impacting your life?It has made me more grateful for the people that are involved on a day to day basis to implement change in someone's life.
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